

Joel’s classes were originally recorded onto reel tapes then converted to audio cassettes, with the more modern options now also available.


The Infinite Way Office

The Infinite Way Office was established in 1951 by Joel S. Goldsmith to ensure that students always have access to authentic Infinite Way material. These can be bought through The Infinite Way Office in the USA – visit the website


Streaming Service

Joel S. Goldsmith Streaming is a subscription streaming service that gives subscribers access to the entire library of Joel Goldsmith’s authentic recorded classes. Subscription fees directly support The Infinite Way Office in maintaining the Streaming Service, preserving and maintaining Joel’s original work, and serving Infinite Way students.


An additional service also allows subscribers to view the transcripts and also to search transcripts for key words or phrases and to find the corresponding recording.

This is a wonderful resource for your study of Joel’s message. Visit the website at


Recordings in New Zealand

There have been a number of tape groups held in various towns around New Zealand. As with other gatherings for this work, they commence with a meditation together, then the recording is listened to, followed by a closing meditation and generally everyone then leaves quietly, in the atmosphere of feeling the Presence.


In New Zealand we were fortunate to have Ron and Margaret Macfarlane record the classes given in New Zealand and Australia by Virginia Stephenson, who allowed them to sell her tapes within Australasia at the local price of $20.00 plus p&p. In October 2009 this service was discontinued but Virginia’s recordings may be ordered direct through the website


The talks of Margaret Ponga are also produced by Maggie. on CDs or MP3. To make enquiries about the catalogue, or to request recordings, email Maggie at (subject reference ‘tape order’).